How to Become an Electronics Technician

January 26, 2021

To say that technology is the single most important driving factor in the manufacturing sector is a bit of an understatement. Automation, robotics, machine learning, and advanced artificial intelligence are all playing an increasingly significant role in the production of goods. Does that mean fewer workers will be required to oversee production? Perhaps. But it also means there are plenty of opportunities for those with the skills necessary to service and repair this equipment and keep it running. 

Industrial Engineer Working on Desktop Computer

Who are Electronics Technicians?

As the name implies, electronic technicians are those who primarily work with electronic equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, communication equipment, medical monitoring devices, navigational equipment, but it also means those who are working with the cutting-edge technology that is making industrial manufacturing much more efficient. These technicians play an integral role throughout the lifecycle of the equipment they are tasked to maintain – from the design phase up to and including installation. 

Since many trained electronic technicians possess the skills necessary to work on the devices, equipment, and systems that span a number of different industries, they are a hot commodity in today’s job market. As an electronic technician there are even an abundance of behind the scenes opportunities – technicians that aren’t in a position to install, repair, or maintain equipment can often ply their knowledge towards creating end user documentation, or working with wholesalers and retailers to facilitate the installation process. The point is, whether the end goal is to be working in the field with the devices themselves or from a centralized location from which you can share your knowledge with others, the current and future economy looks bright for electronic technicians.

Since most manufacturing and industrial sectors have begun transitioning to more autonomous systems, electronic technicians can expect a variety of different fields to choose from – from the modest (installing and repairing audio and visual equipment) to the truly unique (radar systems and aviation equipment).

How Do You Become One?

Like any decent career, it isn’t enough to simply want it – you need to develop the right skills to do the job. We’ve put together a list of some of the things you’ll need to do both before you can enter in this exciting field and after in order to be successful.

  1. Get the right training

This likely doesn’t come as a surprise, but before becoming an electronics technician, you need to complete electronics training at the post-secondary institution of your choice. Depending on where you live, the local college or university may not offer the program, so finding an institution that offers a program that you can pursue online might be your best bet. Not only are online courses quickly becoming a viable alternative to in class training, in many cases they have become the only way to continue pursuing post-secondary curriculum during the pandemic. Online courses generally allow you to learn at your own pace, so that means that your schedule can remain flexible enough that you can keep your day job and study when it’s convenient for you. The electronics technician certificate home study training program allows you to take home training courses with an interactive learning package, saving you time and money in the long term.

  1. Narrow your focus by choosing a specialization

Since the breadth of career options when pursuing an electronics technician degree can be rather daunting, it makes sense to start thinking about what area specifically you would like to specialize in. As you begin your studies, you’ll be exposed to the broad foundational material that becomes second nature to all electronic technicians, but the more you understand about the field, the more likely you’ll be drawn to one specific aspect of it. Of course, you can choose to opt out of a specialization and still go on to lead a successful career. Having one however, can make you a better fit than other applicants for certain roles, and it could help you to become a sought-after authority rather than a jack of all trades. More often than not, those with years of experience within a specialized field can command a higher salary so it is worth considering.

Some specialized areas for electronics technician degrees include relay and substation equipment, electric motors and generators, commercial and industrial equipment, motor vehicle equipment and transportation equipment. Working with these different types of equipment will help you make an educated decision on your career move.

  1. Get working and gain experience

While learning the foundational material is a must for any electronics technician, there is no substitute for getting your hands dirty with some real-world experience. There's nothing quite like on-the-job training to help you expand, enhance and use your skill set outside of the classroom. Aiming to get work experience in the field you are looking to specialize in is key when it comes to establishing your career.

So as a new graduate, what sort of opportunities should you be looking for? For many, the best answer is an entry level position that allows you to work side by side with someone who has been in the trade a long time. Granted, entry level positions may not offer the level of compensation that you’d like, but rather than dwelling on the compensation, considering the value of having one on one access to someone who has been working in your field for years. Entry level positions are just that – entry level. Once you’ve leveraged the experience of the person working alongside you, you’ll be better equipped to seek out the kinds of opportunities that made you interested in a career as an electronics technician in the first place.

  1. Keep learning and stay current in your chosen field

Some careers aren’t dependent on continuous learning. Electronics technician is not one of those careers. To remain successful as an electronics technician, you need to have an active interest in emerging technologies and new processes being used in your field. You have to be aware of new techniques and new guidelines that govern how you do your work. Depending on where you end up, you may require regular education or certification to remain employed, but even if you don’t, it is nonetheless in your best interest to keep an eye on the industry and spend some time becoming familiar with trends and new technologies that could play a role in the next position you apply for. Allowing your skillset to plateau and stagnate is a quick way to a dramatic decrease in viable opportunities.

In short, there's never been a better time to become an electronics technician. If you are looking to break into the field, a great option is completing an online electronics technician certificate program. Online technical programs can normally be done at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home. You can even test out your new skills in a virtual lab environment. So, don't wait any longer and start your career today.

Original post 2018


Submitted by William gordon (not verified) on Thu, 08/13/2020 - 18:09

Looking for information about a degree

Submitted by Iris on Fri, 08/14/2020 - 07:22

Our Electronics Technician Certificate program offers a number of pathways to continue your education towards a Diploma or Bachelor's Degree. Upon completion of our Electronics Technicians Certificate you can continue your studies and pursue a:

Submitted by Omar (not verified) on Mon, 04/26/2021 - 16:31

Am mechanical engineer
I want to gain electromechanical caurse

Submitted by Vignesh (not verified) on Mon, 03/14/2022 - 04:41

Seeking for electronics training course

Submitted by Iris on Mon, 03/14/2022 - 08:11

For detailed information about the online Electronics program visit 

Submitted by Shahid Khan (not verified) on Fri, 03/25/2022 - 20:27

I'm interested but to study online only I can't attend in person.

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