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Solar Panel Manufacturing

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, is constantly and rapidly evolving. New technological advancements in industrial smart factories seem to be happening all the time. This article will take a look at some of the biggest current tech trends in industrial manufacturing.

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Robot Arm Holding CPU Chip

To the general public, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) is an aspect of science that lives on the periphery of our understanding. For most of us, what little we do know of it was learned through the lens of a Hollywood director; so it might surprise you to learn that the idea behind AI is not a new one – in fact, the ancient Greeks and Egyptians are among the earliest societies that postulated on the subjects of robots and automatons.

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We all are surrounded by electronic devices including phones, laptops, TV etc, but did you ever wonder what these things are made of. Most people might answer circuits which is correct to a point. A circuit is a closed path that allow electricity to flow from one end to another and made of various individual components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors etc.

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Survey metrics

We work hard at improving the quality of our programs and our student experience. One way we do this is by asking our graduates, who have recently completed a program, for their feedback about the key elements of our programs and their experience with us through a satisfaction survey.  Upon completion of their program, students are invited to complete the survey. It includes 13 questions where we ask students to evaluate us using a rating system ranging from unsatisfactory to excellent.

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STU-VIEW, George Brown College’s on-line Student Information System, is a web-based portal to the College’s database.

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Your home should be a stress-free environment. But living through a pandemic and the rules associated with it, can be more challenging especially since work and school are now more closely integrated in your home. If you’re working from home, attending online school from home, and managing a family, you may find that juggling all the different parts can be stressful.

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Did you know that typically only about 40% of students actually complete their college certificate or degree, (after a period of 6 years)?[1] That’s a stat that most schools aren’t too comfortable talking about but the reality is that getting through a postsecondary program is really a tough challenge. And I’ll add that distance education, self-paced learning programs, like ours, are typically even lower.

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